SurReal Collage
// It started with an accident. It went like this. During one of many Behance live streams a moderator posts a link to the chat. It goes something like "Hej! You guys, participate in this 9 day photoshop challenge" and I thought to my self.... O.K. //
// My goal was to stay true to my fresh-baked "Motto" (which I sourced from this real clever guy called Michio Kaku. Thanks Michio) "Open, determined & curious mind is enough". So, because of this new decision, i was like "okay.. i'll participate". On the second day the challenge was to create a "Surreal Collage". This task was so joyful, i believe I might have finally found a way to put some of my fashion projects out for the public to see. //

A look from my BA final fashion collection "Authenticity Effect" // 2015. Model: Susanne Kihlgast
// The collage above is composited of 2 pictures of a model wearing clothing I made (designed, constructed and sewn) for my final BA Fashion Design exam back in late 2015. This is actually the same LOOK, since the silk shirt dress was created to be warn under the white woollen coat. I collaged in model with the coat into the picture with the model wearing the dress, added pictures sourced from Adobe Stock and eventually styled poster with some graphic elements, light tuning and noise. //

// The plan for this project is to upload all of the looks from this collection created under the same rules - collaged into surreal looking posters. But that will happen after the Photoshop challenge is finished so! Stay tuned if you liked it! //

Thank you !